2019 San Francisco City Biennial Survey

San Francisco residents' survey of City department performance shows parks rating increased from B in 2017 to B+ in 2019. Park Service District 1, which encompasses Marina, North Beach and Pacific Heights, 89% rated their local parks as either A or B, the highest approval rating in The City.

Waldorf School Spring Cleaning

In April, Waldorf Grade School students representing grades 5, 6 and 8 joined Alta Plaza Park gardeners Roberto Chavez and Emma Theoni to weed the newly planted entrance beds and applyinsulating mulch to ensure moisture retention. Shown here are students of Mrs. Barhydt's 5th grade class sprucing up the Jackson/Steiner corner. Waldorf School has been a generous and dedicated supporter of Alta Plaza Park, which provides outdoor recreation space for the student body.

Outdoor Public Warning System

Did you know that among the tall trees on the west side of the park is one of San Francisco’s 114 Outdoor Warning System sirens?

Every Tuesday at noon, San Francisco tests the Outdoor Warning System. During the test the siren emits a 15 second alert tone. In an actual emergency, the siren tone will cycle repeatedly for 5 minutes and you should go indoors and immediately tune to a news source such as KCBS 740 AM, or other local media stations.

You can help improve the Outdoor Public Warning System by reporting your siren performance here. Information is compiled from these reports to assist with the sound modeling.

In a major disaster it might be 3 days before vital services are restored. When you hear the Tuesday Noon Siren, it's your weekly reminder to make an emergency plan, build an emergency supply kit and be prepared to be self sufficient for 72 hours. Go to sf72.org to learn more.